The little things…

Since the start of my trip I’ve made it a point to begin and/or end my day with a daily devotional, prayer, and a gratitude statement. I just started a 21 day devotional via a Bible app on my phone. The title is “Living a Divinely Inspired Life”. This particular devotional is designed to inspire and motivate you in finding and walking in your God given purpose for your life.
I woke up at about 5 this morning and although my body wasn’t at all ready to get up out of bed I just laid there, picked up my phone, and started my day. The internet connection is a bit ratchet since I’m on floor 4 of a 5 floor walk up. I believe the wireless router is on the 1st floor.  I’ve gone through this routine for the last few days but had just noticed something small that was quite thought provoking. As my phone was trying to find a wireless connection…a window popped up on the screen notifying me that my phone was “connecting to happiness”. Happiness just happened to be the name of the wireless router at the hostel which is called the Smile Society.  I read the message and just sat there for a few minutes thinking about how that phrase truly applies to the way I live my life and my overall mission. Each morning as I wake up with a positive attitude and a grateful heart I am indeed choosing to connect to “happiness”. I could get up complaining about a million things, holding grudges and refusing to forgive, and that could indeed send my entire day into a downward spiral before I’ve even left the house. No matter what obstacle is in my way I’m vowing to draw the positive out of it and try my best not to let the occurrence take me off course. I’m also vowing to be a bit more aware and remind myself often that it’s not always solely about the bigger picture…sometimes it’s the little things matter the most.

Peace and Blessings,


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One thought on “The little things…

  1. Mom says:

    thank you for letting me see the world through such wise eyes. and you are right it is the little things that matter because sometimes the high from the big things are short lived.

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