When animals attack

Not only can a gecko help to save you loads of money on your car insurance but he can also call all his friends and family to gang up on you and cause you to have insomnia for three days straight šŸ˜ .

I know I’ve had several photos on here of me with large snakes, monkeys and random dogs and I know I’m usually grinning from ear to ear. Well I’m not particularly bothered by large animals which may seem odd but miscellaneous bugs and small lizards are another story.

The first bungalow I stayed in at this hotel in Pai had no issues with bugs. I saw a small gecko but wasn’t bothered since it was right next to the other girls bed :-) . The one room bungalow that I moved in to after she left seemed to be a juke joint for 63958500055 species of wild reptiles and bugs.

While lying in bed two nights ago I thought I saw something moving on the wall out of the corner of my eye. I whipped my head around and nothing was there. I saw something again and this time I caught a nasty little lizard wiggling its way in to the AC unit over my bed. My first reaction was obviously “Ewww!”,Ā  so I jumped up out of the bed and stood in the middle of the floor. Yep..just stood there like an idiot. When I looked on the ceiling I saw two more miniĀ  gecko’s crawling around. By this time I knew I was not getting back in the bed and grabbed the chair over in the corner and sat there…for a while.

Can’t you tell it’s laughing at me?

It was already 1am and I was exhausted. I observed them as they crawled back and forth on the wall taunting me as I sat there with 30lb bags under my eyes. I was yearning for the moment when my head would finally hit the pillow.

Being the genius that I am I grabbed my laptop and did a few quick google searches on “can geckos kill you” and “how to get rid of geckos”. After a few minutes of reading I learned that the small ones are actually harmless if you don’t bother them. It’s the large ones that have been known gently latch on to your finger with their sharp teeth and refuse to let go as you sit there in excruciating pain.

Ok, cool…. so since the geckos are harmless and there are only three of them I can get myself back in to bed and get some rest. Well since I’m no fool I situated myself at the foot of the bed just in case the little devils wanted to try some trickery while I was asleep. When I moved around to get comfortable I heard a loud screeching sound that sounded like a cross between a scared cat and a loud chirping bird. I just knew it was a large harry wilderbeast under my bed. My fears were put to rest when I realized it must’ve been the call to come home from the mama gecko because the sight I saw when I looked on the ceiling and the walls had me jumping out the bed and onto the floor. At least 5 more geckos came out of nowhere and were headed for the ac unit which I assume is “home base”

Preparing to gang up on me

This foolishness continued for 3 nights :-|and I continued to sleep at the foot of the bed with all the lights on. Mind you I MUST sleep in complete darkness or I’m not getting any sleep. The only reason why I didn’t use my mask was because I needed to keep one eye open in the event the geckos got gangsta and decided to pounce on me from the ceiling. *BE QUIET…It could’ve happened*

I’ve come to the realization that I’m so not a wilderness chick. Although I do plan on camping outside on this journey. Weird.net….I know.Ā  I’m not a prissy chick either but I just can’t have random animals messing with my beauty rest.

Crawling back to homebase

Hoping I’ll catch up on some rest soon. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

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  1. Raina says:


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