Come ‘on to the church

I attended church with my host family and the kids from the orphanage this morning. The church is a stones throw away from where we sleep so even though I had already had an extremely exhausting few days here..sleeping in was not an option.

I honestly thought I was in a Catholic service with the amount of times we stood up and down during the three hour service. The entire service was in Swahili with the exception of the sermon which was translated for us by our new friend Emanuel (Ema).  I was shocked to find out that our guide Thomas is also the Kirk Franklin of Msae (the village where I’m staying). This cat plays the piano, sings, directs the choir, serves as the sound engineer, and performs dances to pre-recorded music with the choir.  All in one service.  I was exhausted watching this man in action.

The most memorable part of the service had to be the baby and her mother that were sitting next to me in church.  I was minding my own business trying to make out ever third word in Swahili when I look down to see a large areola and black nipple. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am all for women breastfeeding their children in public but in the back pew of the church?

Five minutes later the baby, who looked to be no more than five months (this educated guess is coming from someone who is rarely around children or babies), finished sucking the life out of his mothers boob and turned around to look at me.  I reached over to shake the chocolate cuties hand and I was absolutely not prepared for what happened next.  The little baby smiled only to reveal 358 teeth.  I gasped so loud that Daniela who was sitting next to me heard me.  First of all…why does a baby that small have more teeth in its mouth than I do. Secondly, who in their right mind would continue to breastfeed a baby with a full set of teeth in their mouth? I have never seen such a sight.

I have to hurry up and end this post because I am laughing hysterically as I type and I have to get up early for school.

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4 thoughts on “Come ‘on to the church

  1. Raina says:

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! You have no S.E.N.S.E!! I was not expecting that! I’m still laughing as i’m typing this! I actually pictured the baby in my head along with your reaction! ……still laughing! On another note…a 3 hour service, though? I would have been climbing up the wall if I had to sit through that..AND in another language!? I see who the good Lord gave all his patience to.

    P.S. Still laughing…..

    • Miss Venus says:

      Man 3 hours which didn’t include Sunday school. They danced their little hearts out to pre recorded music for a few hours. It was really interesting. I just got a picture of the baby the other day but she wouldn’t open her mouth and smile. I’ll put it in the next post

  2. Donna Baker says:

    I can relate to something I saw at Walter Reed Hospital when I was pregnant with my second son Brandon. I had a doctor’s appointment and on that day the doctor was behind schedule because I remember my husband at the time was sitting in the floor. This little white boy who looked like he was about 3 years old walked up to his mother and was pulling on her shirt. The mother kept smacking his hands away. We were sitting there trying to figure out what the hell was going on with this little boy. Come to find out that the mother was trying to stop breastfeeding him that he was so use to walking up to his mother, opening her shirt, and placing her breast in her mouth. WTF!!!

    • Miss Venus says:

      Lol! Hilarious. I just saw a woman here in Antigua breastfeeding while she was walking on the street. And she was walking fast. Now that’s talent. Lol

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