Defining Gratitude

Gratitude – the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful –

If it had not been for the thousands of Facebook posts from friends and family I swear I would have forgotten that today was Thanksgiving. I am in a country outside of the US so it is obvious that no one here celebrates this holiday.

This time last year I was a few weeks in to my much needed therapy sessions and I was a huge ball filled to the rim with every emotion you could think of…..with the exception of anger. Although I felt as thought the weight of the world was on my shoulder I didn’t want to sulk and complain. So instead of wallowing in own mess on my couch with a sad chick flick and two bags of hot fries and an entire ice cream cake from Dairy Queen
(yes, unfortunately that used to be my poison) I spent my Thanksgiving at a shelter for addicted, battered and homeless women and children. While my initial intent was to help those less fortunate I also wanted an in-your-face reminder that although I was going through a rough time things could always be worse.

As I walked to each table and gently placed a plate in front of each woman I saw myself in their eyes. Having been in an abusive relationship more than eleven years prior and dealing with my current situation my heart hurt for these troubled women. I also know that I could’ve easily been in their shoes. After my time at the shelter I stopped by to see about my Mom and little brother (the four legged one) and then went home to reflect and repair.

Throughout my ordeals I’ve never once considered myself to be a “victim”. I just pressed forward and went on with life as though it wasn’t a big deal. Watching each of these women don a smile despite their current circumstance and knowing that they were at the shelter to rehabilitate and turn their lives around for the better ignited a flame in my belly. I was even more determined to face my beast. I was so inspired by their courage and so grateful for the experience that I volunteered there for Christmas as well.

Despite how and why Thanksgiving was established I was raised to believe that it is a day to give thanks for the many blessings that God was so gracious to bestow upon us. I don’t harvest all my gratitude and wait for this specific day to give thanks. I start and end each day by thanking God for all that I am and all that I have.

I encourage you all to adopt these same habits. If we aren’t thankful for what we have how do we expect God to bless us with the many things on our long list of “wants and needs”? Take a moment out of your day to sit back and reflect on your life. Think about where you were, where you are now and where you could have been. Just imagine how less trivial those “small problems” will appear when you really think about how much worse your situation could have been.

Have a great Thanksgiving with your family and friends!!

Peace and Blessings,

Miss Venus

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One thought on “Defining Gratitude

  1. Tai' says:

    Amen! Yes be thankful for what you have NOW! Be a blessing to others! And of course you have those wonderful habits!

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