The art of serenity


Although a tad bit harsh you have to admit that you can’t get any more real than the statement above. I will absolutely admit that as a teenager….I used to be some what of a hothead.  While that didn’t include embarrassing myself in public if things didn’t go my way, anyone (and I mean anyone) who didn’t do right by me would feel the wrath. And don’t get me started on how I would react when my “plan A” had failed.

**I’m cringing as I type just thinking about a few situations in my past where I could definitely have benefited from someone whispering “Shit could be worse” in my ear.** 

Fast forward many many years where I have almost completely mastered the art of serenity.  While it’s often easier to react like a plum fool when things go awry I prefer to do the opposite. I try to remain calm and deal with what I can change and except what I can not. Since we are human I do believe it’s OK to have a short pity party here and there but at the end of the day the one thing that truly makes the “rough patches” easier to overcome is knowing and believing that things could always be worse.

Add the above phrase to your mental Rolodex and pull it out right at that point when you feel like you’re about to have a full blown meltdown and go completely postal.  Let me know how it works out for you 😉


Peace & Blessings,

Miss Venus




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