Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Journey

The decision to embark on this year long journey around the globe was not made lightly.  Even though I have traveled the world alone for nearly 15 years, never have I done it the way I have chosen to do it now.  After years of unhappiness and months of therapy I needed to do something that genuinely made me genuinely happy.  For me that’s always been helping others, putting a smile on someones face, listening to good music, and traveling. I was amped up about doing all of these things again.  After hitting rock bottom I needed a pick me up and defining “happy” in my dictionary was most important to me.

Since I had already known for years that my career didn’t bring any form of happiness other than allowing me the opportunity to afford to do the few things that did make me happy…it had to go.  Quit job….check! Continue reading

The Story

In July of 2011, I traveled back to a place that I had hated for as long as I can recall in hopes of saving my life.  Sadness, unhappiness, and depression had been a constant in my life for years and I knew that if I didn’t face this “thing” head on I was never going to live to tell my story.

It’s interesting how people can look at you from the outside, see your worldly possessions and make the assumption that you must have it all together. People have often mistook my walking with my head held high as a display of arrogance but that’s honestly one thing I’ve never been. No one would have guessed that I was locking myself in the house for days on end, having random anxiety attacks in public and on the plane, and unable to feel any emotion other than sadness for years.  I was going downhill quickly and the rock that is Venus had been compromised.  On the outside I remained poised and proper and never let them see me sweat as my mother has always advised. Continue reading

Hey Young World!

In Singapore at the moment at one of the 2394083204928304983 computers they have in here that are free to use.  Enroute to Thailand.  Had a layover in Germany prior to this. I’ve been fed about 23409304982304928340928340 times on the flight and must post about the dopeness of Singapore Air at some point in time. (Preview: Any airline that has Eric Roberson, Jay-Z, Anthony Hamilton, Common, and Drake on rotation is my friend.) 

I’d prefer not to schedule the posts…because then it would seem like a job.  And we know I don’t plan on having one of those for the next year:-)

Stay tuned for “the journey” post giving a mini explanation of how this all transpired.  I’ve typed it on my laptop already but refuse to pay for wifi in an airport. I’ve already hi-jacked the wifi to make a couple of calls home but my CSI skills stop there. 

Stay tuned……

Peace and Blessings
