Category Archives: North America


On the 7 hour drive down to DC yesterday I spent a lot of time reflecting on how far I’ve come in life. It’s always easy for people to say that you should “leave the past in the past” and move on.  In some instances this may be appropriate but I prefer to look back at those hard times so I can reflect on how much I have grown and accomplished.  Or even just to give me a reason to smile when I’m feeling down.  My “rock bottom” led me on this wild journey and will be a huge part of the solid foundation that I am going to build this next phase of my life upon.

CHEERS to the hardships, naysayers, backbiters, mistreaters, and the trials and tribulations. They came so that they could make me stronger.



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So what’s next?

I still don’t think it has hit me that I am officially back in the states.  I’ve kept a pretty low profile since arriving…only four people know I’m here. My last few days have been spent being bossed around by my furry brother who insists on being picked up and carried around the house (evidence below), spending time with my Mom, and checking on my grandparents every day.


My Mom and Brother – My spoiled brother and I

Some random scientific and genius-like calculations have led me to pick Continue reading

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Happy Holidays

I spent last Christmas at a Women’s shelter serving food to homeless women and children. It was a pretty rough day for me as I was just a couple months in to my therapy sessions and still a bit raw from the experience.  I looked at each of these women at the shelter and knew that my life could have easily gone down the same path that they had traveled. These women had nothing and although their eyes were a window to the pain in their souls their faces donned smiles that lit up the room.

That afternoon I went Continue reading

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Central America…Alla Voy

So tomorrow I am Central America bound.  Specifically Guatemala. More specifically La Antigua, Guatemala.  I had a great time in Dallas visiting with my Mom, attending my old church, and catching up with a few good friends. I thought about how excessive my stopping in the states for a week and a half just to replace a retainer may appear but I know it was meant for me to be here.  From the word spoken in church to conversations had with friends old and new…this week and a half has truly been a blessing. Continue reading

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Deep in the heart of Texas

I’ve been in the states for a few days now and I can’t reiterate enough how happy I am to be theheckupout (a Venusism…learn it!) of Tanzania. My mom decided to spend the last few days of her vacation down here with me so she flew in on the same day I arrived.  Since the second she got here I’ve been chauffeuring her around to every thrift/consignment store in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. This just so happens to be her favorite pastime. So who am I to deny her a good deal on something she may or may not need? (HI MOM! 😉 ) Continue reading

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Life is but a dream

My time back in the states has been both eye opening and interesting to say the least.  No one knew I was coming.  I just showed up at my mothers door.  After ghetto banging for about 15 minutes and thanks to the dog my little brother and his nonstop barking at the top of his little lungs she finally came to the door.  This is one person’s house you will not get in to if you come over unannounced.  Continue reading

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